Thursday, January 20, 2011

ssssh....hey detectives!

'me me me me me xo jp' by jp, shf, jul 10

let's play.
once upon a time there was a city in yorkshire called sheffield
(pulp, arctic monkeys, sheep etc)
on a beaufitul sunny day, 8 days after the most special canada day ever,
the bsst band in the galaxy
came to sheffield
my friend J and me were there
we came to the venue at about 4pm
*they* were there...and saw us...and didn't run away!
kd asked us what we'd like to hear that night
so i gave him the 'oh-my-god-they're-never-gonna-play-these-songs-live' part of the wishlist i'd written on the train to manchester [jun28, dan mangan+bss]
i think he kinda liked it
then he sang us a part of one of those songs
what i want you to tell me is the name of the song

(pls post it as a comment)

the first lucky bsstard will get a signed copy of their self-titled album from me.

(i think this blog post finally started making sense)

IMPORTANT> one song at a time please
IMPORTANT TOO> you can post more comments/songs but please let 5 other people guess before you post another one.

have fun.

p.s. i'm asking this because
  • i know the answer
  • google does not :)


Yasmin said...

Romance To The Grave!

Aldrin said...

ibi dreams of pavement?

christina said...

no but you know how much i'd like to hear that one.

haha good one! but wouldn't that be too easy?

spinaret said...

New Country???

christina said...

you guys know all my fave bss songs :D
but...sorry it wasn´t this one.

john said...


Carl said...


christina said...

oh man..this looks like the start of a dream setlist!
but it was something different :)

john said...

I THINK I KNOW IT. But I have to wait... :)

Yasmin said...


christina said...

john: then i wat to know too!

yasmin: no :( they played superconnected all the time and it was always one of the highlights. the :whitey on guitar vs. david on sax: solos were heavenly!

joshdav7 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matt said...

All My Friends?

dstein said...


Jordon said...

market fresh

spinaret said...

'all my friends' was my next guess!

i guess i'm gonna go with...

"Where's Your Heart?"

(totally picking obscure ones here...)

Aldrin said...


Amy said...

Canada vs. America?

john said...

Death Cock!

Evan said...

Let's Get Out of Here?

christina said...

Prison Province!

and the winner is....
well there's no winner yet.

(but there's a finite number of bss songs in this world)

Aldrin said...

Is it... Passport Radio?

Amy said...

Until It's Dead?

Yasmin said...

Major Label Debut?

christina said...

no no no :)

'obscure ones' = 'good ones' :D

Aldrin said...

May I try again?
Stomach Song?

christina said...


'feel good lost' is too obscure.


spinaret said...

Jimmy and the Photocall?

mun said...

Windsurfing Nation?

Evan said...

I'm Still Your Fag..?

Neil said...

Pacific theme?

christina said...

..trying to imagine kevin singing pacific theme :D

hint #2
forget all studio albums.

Yasmin said...

Everybody's Fucking Everyone

Aldrin said...

Christina, you're awesome and this is really fun.

But if it's not "Cocaine Skin", I'm going to get ANGRY!

john said...

Do The 95. Yeah.

Matt said...

My last guess: All the Gods

Hélène said...

aahhh I was going to say everybody's fucking everyone!

ugh is shaharazed an AOH song or a BSS song? I've never really been able to tag it correctly on my itunes.

Well I say it's that one! (just in case... I mean, I would request that song.)

Evan said...

all the gods was gonna be my next guesssss DANG!

Anonymous said...

I've collected your letters and put 'em in a place you'll know oh oh ??

Scott said...


Evan said...

One Night Man?

christina said...

comment #42

wow...westminster, one night man, efe and the one with 'letters' are a bit closer than pacific theme.

(hiding under the bed, someone's gonna kill me for this whole thing) :D

Matt said...

Choose Your Own Adventure (from the live KEXP show)

sidenote: does anyone have a copy of Westminster that they'd be willing to put up for download?

spinaret said...

How about...

That one untitled song Kevin Drew made up on the spot to sing on BBC6 because they wouldn't play TBTF????


john said...

Escarpment Blues?

Aldrin said...

"Have a Life"?

Amy said...

Summer Time Dues?

Evan said...

Untitled #33?

At this point I just wanna know! hahaha

christina said...

But what does that mean
for you and me?

bye bye cd,
congrats wishasana,
thanks were just awesome! this is the best list of bss (+sarah harmer:)) songs
ever! and it was fun too!

Matt -> something for you

Hélène -> hard to say but I'd probably request it before an aoh gig.

oh...and the whole thing is here
there's no other proof
you just have to believe me (:

Matt said...

Thanks Chris! This has always been my favourite BSS focused blog because you keep it so interesting. You seem like a person who likes to sit and have a coffee by the way.

I agree re: Shaharazed. I consider that to be an AOH song.

john said...

Does second place get to meet Kevin Drew? ;)

Wishasana said...

Cool! Thanks! It's -20 so summertime's over-due by my estimation. Is there an email I can contact you at?

john said...

Could someone fill me in on what songs were written when? Were Summer Times Dues, Westminister, and a good handful of those Feel Good Lost era? o:

christina said...

thanks again everyone :)


sit: it's called 'home office' in my company ;)

coffee: definitely. rule#1 = 'don't drink 4 cups a day otherwise you'll still be up when amy sends the correct answer @3:something a.m.'


songs: one night man+w'minster = spirit if... jp edition bonus tracks
summer time dues = (summer of?) 2008

brian said...

wheres your heart, wheres your mind

bEbop said...

I thought I was a real BSS fan until I read these comments and didn't recognize the songs you guys were naming. I still love this band and they blew my mind when I saw them live

muavotink said...


unknow said...

Could someone fill me in on what songs were written when? Were Summer Times Dues, Westminister, and a good handful of those Feel Good Lost era? o:hawaiian noniImaging tables