Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Broken Social Scene - Live Terminal 5 (YouTube)

So I did a screencast on my computer. We have the whole concert! The audio is not 100% cause it's a screencast from YouTube, but you can totally have fun watching.

You can see a screenshot here

1. World Sick
2. Texico Bitches
3. 7/4 (Shoreline)
4. Fire Eye'd Boy
5. All to All
6. Canada vs. America
7. Cause = Time
8. Sweetest Kill
9. Art House Director
10. Forced to Love
11. Hotel
12. Guilty Cubicles
13. Superconnected
14. Anthems for a Seventeen-Year-Old Girl
15. Lover's Spit
16. Water in Hell
17. Ungrateful Little Father
18. KC Accidental
19. Meet Me in the Basement
20. Looks Just Like the Sun
21. Almost Crimes
22. Ibi Dreams of Pavement (A Better Day)
23. Major Label Debut

One of the best setlists I've ever seen.

Download and enjoy!

audio (talkless version) video
[thanks a lot josh]


spinaret said...

You're the best! I was hoping one of us could capture it! THANKS!

christina said...

we love you Y!

joshdav7 said...
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joshdav7 said...
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joshdav7 said...

Bootlegs! Get 'ya fresh bootlegs here!

Bitrate: 128kbps
Size: 112mb

1. World Sick
2. Texico Bitches
3. 7/4 (Shoreline)
4. Fire Eye'd Boy
5. All to All
6. Canada vs. America
7. Cause = Time
8. Sweetest Kill
9. Art House Director
10. Forced to Love
11. Hotel
12. Guilty Cubicles
13. Superconnected
14. Anthems for a Seventeen-Year-Old Girl
15. Lover's Spit
16. Water in Hell
17. Ungrateful Little Father
18. KC Accidental
19. Meet Me in the Basement
20. Looks Just Like the Sun
21. Almost Crimes
22. Ibi Dreams of Pavement (A Better Day)
23. Major Label Debut

P.S. Let me know if there are any problems and I'll fix/reupload ASAP.

joshdav7 said...
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christina said...

:) thanks a lot josh!
and yes, the other version, the one 'for chris's ipod', would be awesome!

joshdav7 said...
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W. Bruno Rodrigues Cardoso said...

por acaso algum de vocês foi ao show no Harbourfront,(Toronto 7/11/09)???

Sabem de alguém que gravou ou algum lugar que tenha este show para download?

Não parem de postar ;)
Bjos de Belo Horizonte - MG.

johan said...

Did anyone save this movie and care to upload it? It has since airing been removed from youtube and I can't seem to find it anywhere. the didn't work, because of bandwidth limitations. Anyone that can upload it somewhere else for me and my friends? Many internet-credits to you if you do!

aline siqueira said...

it's not working. i tried twice and it shows the message: "Traffic limit reached". can you upload it again, pleaseeee.

Lucas Leite said...

Thanks a lot.